πŸ“œ Flawless Community Guidelines

:scroll: Flawless Community Guidelines

:dart: Purpose

Our aim is to provide a dedicated space for the discussion and promotion of vape and wellness:

:one: Inclusive Community: Create an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.
:two: Educational Platform: Share knowledge and gain insights into vaping and wellness.
:three: Exclusive Access: Keep the community informed about exclusive deals, product launches, and events.

:star2: General Rules

  • Respect: Always maintain a high level of respect for all community members.
  • Content Quality: Posts should be relevant, valuable, and free of spam.
  • Privacy: Sharing another member’s personal information without consent is strictly prohibited.
  • Safety: Promote safe practices and comply with all relevant laws regarding vape and wellness.

:trophy: Role of Moderators

Moderators are crucial in maintaining the order and flow of the community. Benefits include:

  • :mortar_board: Professional Development: Gain skills in community management.
  • :gem: Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy special deals and offers.
  • :handshake: Staff Benefits: Access to some staff-only resources.

:shield: Role of Staff

Staff oversee the community and are responsible for updating rules, regulations, and handling escalated issues.

  • :globe_with_meridians: Enforce Guidelines: Staff have the ultimate authority in dispute resolution.
  • :bulb: Continuous Improvement: Staff work to continually refine and evolve the community.

:briefcase: How to Become a Moderator

Community members who consistently contribute value may be invited to become moderators.

  • :star2: Recognition: A badge on your profile.
  • :gift: Staff Benefits: Access to staff channels and some staff-only benefits.
  • :moneybag: Exclusive Discounts: Special offers on Flawless products.

:books: Posting Guidelines

  • :camera_flash: Images: Keep them relevant and appropriate.
  • :link: Links: Only share links that are pertinent to the discussion.
  • :loudspeaker: Announcements: Use designated channels for promotional content.

:rotating_light: Reporting & Consequences

If you encounter problematic behaviour:

  • :no_entry_sign: Report it: Use the β€˜:triangular_flag_on_post:Flag’ button to report inappropriate posts.
  • :balance_scale: Consequences: Actions may range from a warning to a permanent ban, depending on the severity.

:hammer: User Guide

:one: Explore: Navigate to your areas of interest.
:two: Interact: Use β€˜:+1:’ to upvote valuable content.
:three: Subscribe: Click β€˜:bell:’ to receive real-time updates.
:four: Contribute: Got something of value to add? Don’t hesitate!
:five: Moderate: If you’re a moderator, help us maintain a positive environment.

:mega: Staff Commitment

Our staff is always available to resolve disputes, answer questions, and help maintain a peaceful and welcoming environment.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Key Takeouts

  • :star2: Becoming a Moderator gives you access to exclusive benefits.
  • :rocket: Staff are always here to support the community.

By participating in this community, you agree to abide by these guidelines. We reserve the right to update or change these rules to better suit the evolving needs of the community. Thank you for making Flawless a respectful and enjoyable space for all.